Season of Tension
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In this piece, Zynada suspends time to explore internal conflicts in this abstract landscape. The viewer’s gaze lands upward to observe the tension and chaos of an Autumn sky. Despite the desire to grasp hold of something visually, that desire is intentionally not met.

Acrylic on canvas.

Zynada’s works of art are meant to be hung at any angle to cultivate the exploration of different perspectives.





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Early Stages

During the early stages before chaos strikes, Zynada brings forth...

Intuitive Energy

Part of a sibling group of paintings, Zynada spontaneously integrated...

Season of Tension

In this piece, Zynada suspends time to explore internal conflicts...


Zynada captures life through a tranquil landscape of silhoulettes contrasted...

Water Over Boulders

Zynada connects organic sections and liquid shapes to form a bold statement piece. Acrylic on


After years of not painting, Zynada took one of her canvas’ from 2011 and spontaneously

Intuitive Energy

Part of a sibling group of paintings, Zynada spontaneously integrated all of her paints onto


Zynada explores landscape painting while surrounding herself in nature. This painting was created at Balboa