Instinct in Dreams
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Zynada brings forth her energy through bold strokes and streaming motion. This emotional dreamscape brings to life a dance that’s both harmonious and chaotic.

Acrylic on canvas

Zynada’s works of art are meant to be hung at any angle to cultivate the exploration of different perspectives.





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An embryo reveals itself through the nurturing experienced right before...

Bright fire

Zynada draws inspiration from roaring fires as it melts with...

Life Blood

Zynada explores different perspectives in terms of menstruation. Blood is...

Release of fear

Zynada examines her connection to the cosmos through the use...


An embryo reveals itself through the nurturing experienced right before creation. Zynada paints the energy


Flowing lines cross through this abstract art piece in a slow build up of tension


Zynada captures life through a tranquil landscape of silhoulettes contrasted with small golden and blue

Early Stages

During the early stages before chaos strikes, Zynada brings forth the questions that emerge in